ProductsWe are in constant contact with our Middle East suppliers. Thanks to our knowledge of the culture and language of these countries, we are able to offer good delivery conditions with strictly high-caliber goods of excellent and consistent quality at a low price.
Origin: Middle East countries; Liban, Syria, Egipt and New Zeland, Saudi Arabia.
Characteristics: Natural color, firm on filling - particularly for industrial production.
Selection: Hanks 100 yards (91,4m) or upon request
Standard calibration ranges: 16 - 18 ends each hank Special selection: 14 - 16 ends each hank and other special selections upon request Qualities: AA, A, AB, B, BC
Calibre: from 14 mm up 28 mm, even 17/19, 21/23
Processing: dry salted, ready-to-fill, on hard and soft tubes Packaging: LDPE bags, buckets, boxes, barrels Contact
CZECHÓW KLONOWA 46 66-431 Santok Tel.: +48 95 732-45-96 Fax: +48 95 732-23-05 Email: biuro@sarrisdarm.com |